Leadership Lessons from 75 Hard | Episode 175


Leadership and leaders can stagnate just like companies. From time to time we leaders must challenge ourselves in new ways to ensure that we are still growing as a leader and person. From 1 February 2021 and for 75 days straight I did just that. I and a group of 15 men took on Andy […]

Lessons from Leaders in Lockdown | Atholl Duncan | Episode 174

Lessons from Leaders in Lockdown | Atholl Duncan | Episode 174

A year ago, business leaders around the world began grappling with the pandemic and its massive impact on the workplace, the economy, and people’s lives. Largely isolated and working from home, top executives were not only forced to quickly figure out how to adapt to keep their company running. They also had time to re-examine […]

5 Tips to be successful as a Younger Leader | Episode 171


Age is often looked at as a sign of experience and competence. However, leadership is more complex than simply age. Younger leaders definitely face more complex challenges than their older counterparts. Additionally, the ability to form high-performing teams is challenged.

However, not all is bad. Younger leaders can bring their assets to move their organization forward. Like anything, there are simple tactics which can help you as a younger leader to excel.

How to Lead Through Negotiations and Conflict Resolutions | Kwame Christian | Episode 166

How to Lead Through Negotiations and Conflict Resolutions | Kwame Christian

Negotiation and conflict resolution are often looked at as the difficult conversations and actions which leaders need to take. These are often uncomfortable conversations to have with our coworkers and subordinates; however, they are absolutely essential in order to ensure that our organization is an effective one. Therefore, we need to get past the uncomfortness […]

How to Increase Productivity | Tim Ringo | Episode 164

How to Increase Productivity | Tim Ringo | Episode 164

Productivity makes or breaks peak performance in ourselves, our teams, and our organizations. However, since the development of more and more “productivity” tools there’s been a steady decline in productivity. Simply put, we are getting overwhelmed with everything which “must” be done to be productive. Productivity is about simplifying the process and enabling people to work in their zone of genius and not zone of failure.

The Art of Caring Leadership | Heather Younger | Episode 163

The Art of Caring Leadership | Heather Younger | Episode 163

Heather R. Younger is an experienced keynote speaker, two-time author, and the CEO and Founder of Employee Fanatix, a leading employee engagement, leadership development, and DEI consulting firm, where she is on a mission to help leaders understand the power they possess to ensure people feel valued at work. 

Known as The Employee WhispererTM, Heather harnesses humor, warmth, and an instant relatability to engage and uplift audiences and inspire them into action. 

Rooted in her belief that employees aren’t just numbers on the payroll but human beings with ideas that matter, Heather’s talks and workshops are dedicated to helping teams, leaders, and organizations shine by improving how they listen to, communicate with, and empower employees.

How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome | Kris Kelso | Episode 162

How to Overcome Impostor Syndrome | Kris Kelso | Episode 162

Impostor syndrome is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their skills, talents or accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a “fraud”. Despite external evidence of their competence, those experiencing this phenomenon remain convinced that they are frauds, and do not deserve all they have achieved. Individuals with impostorism incorrectly attribute their success to luck, or interpret it as a result of deceiving others into thinking they are more intelligent than they perceive themselves to be. While early research focused on the prevalence among high-achieving women, impostor syndrome has been recognized to affect both men and women equally. Leaders are no different and can easily fall into the trap of impostor syndrome. 

How to Build Trust and Collaboration | Jill Ratliff | Episode 161

How to Build Trust and Collaboration | Jill Ratliff | Episode 161

Among the most important skills in leadership are gaining trust and knowing how to collaborate under stress. A great leader is the kind of person others want to follow. They know how to break down silos and model collaboration. They have the courage to build meaningful relationships, and are experts at establishing trust and touching hearts, creating an environment where people feel heard, small problems don’t escalate, and businesses succeed.

Become a Leader Who Matters | Dan Pontefract | Episode 160

Become a Leader Who Matters | Dan Pontefract | Episode 160

Leadership is a difficult skill to master. Ultimately, we all want to become a leader who matters. For that if we do not matter then there is no reason for another to follow us. However, on the other side of the coin, to matter as a leader we need to inspire and motivate our followers. Therefore, we are caught in a chicken and egg situation. To matter as a leader is something which can bring meaning and joy to your leadership journey.

Setting a Foundation of Leadership Success | Dr. Brent Lacey, M.D. | Episode 157

Setting a Foundation of Leadership Success | Dr. Brent Lacey, M.D. | Episode 157

Like a house needs a solid foundation to weather the age of time; leaders require a solid foundation to ensure that the principles which they based their leadership upon will last beyond their years and into future generations. A solid foundation of leadership is more than about the basics but rather ensuring that the morals, […]