Meet Keisha
In this episode, I have the great pleasure of interviewing Keisha A. Rivers. Keisha is the Chief Outcome Facilitator and Founder of The KARS Group LTD. As well, she has a background in education and education development. Finally, she has been an entrepreneur for over 12 years now. In this episode, we discuss how we can properly develop our people to be better at what they do.
Timestamped Overview
Here are the topics which we cover during this interview:
- Her background and story
- How our mistakes and failures lead our lives
- How we can learn from those mistakes and failures
- What is the KARS facilitated approach
- Least accepted aspect of the framework
- How can leaders best apply change management
- What are the best ways for leaders to communicate their vision
- What are some of the greatest success she’s helped organizations achieve
Guest Resources
If you are interested in contacting Keisha or any of the resources which she provides, then be sure to check them out below!
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Scott McCarthy
The following is an AI generated transcript which should be used for reference purposes only. It has not been verified or edited to reflect what was actually said in the podcast episode.