In the throes of leadership, missed expectations can cause ripples that affect an organization’s performance, culture, and overall success. In this episode of Peak Performance Leadership, host Scott McCarthy tackles this challenge head-on, shedding light on the responsibility of leaders in mitigating missed expectations within their teams. With a focus on the three different types of gaps causing missed expectations and how to address them, this dynamic episode provides crucial insights for leaders seeking to navigate and excel in their roles.

In this enriching episode of Peak Performance Leadership, Scott McCarthy delivers actionable strategies to empower leaders in addressing missed expectations and driving performance within their teams. Whether you’re a seasoned executive, a team leader, or an aspiring manager, the insights provided in this episode are invaluable in shaping your leadership journey.

Remember to subscribe to Peak Performance Leadership for more valuable lessons on leadership, and consider sharing this episode with fellow leaders seeking to make a profound impact within their organizations. Leadership is a journey, and with the right guidance, the path to excellence becomes attainable.

Mentioned Resources

Timestamped Overview

  • 02:15 – Identifying the Three Types of Gaps: The episode delves into the three different types of gaps causing missed expectations: knowledge gap, importance gap, and capability gap. Scott uses a whiteboard to illustrate these gaps, bringing clarity to the discussion.
  • 06:30 – Closing the Knowledge Gap: Scott provides examples and solutions for closing the knowledge gap through training, coaching, and mentorship, emphasizing the leader’s role in facilitating knowledge transfer within the team.
  • 11:50 – Addressing the Importance Gap: The importance gap is explored, highlighting how a lack of understanding of a task’s importance can lead to performance gaps. Scott explains the three elements of the importance gap and discusses solutions such as prioritization and setting clear expectations.
  • 16:20 – Tackling the Implementation Gap: The episode concludes with a focus on the implementation gap, where individuals struggle to allocate necessary resources despite understanding the task’s importance. Scott emphasizes the need for accountability, regular check-ins, and team support in closing this gap.
  • 20:00 – The Role of Organizational Culture: The impact of organizational culture on meeting expectations is emphasized, showcasing the importance of aligning culture with expectations to drive performance and success.
  • 25:00 – The Leader’s Responsibility: Scott highlights the multifaceted responsibilities of leaders, ranging from training and coaching to fostering an enabling culture and promoting employee commitment.
  • 28:00 – Support and Resources: Listeners are encouraged to download a presentation file from a Facebook group and take advantage of additional resources to prioritize and address gaps in their leadership roles.
  • 30:00 – The Power of a Mastermind Community: Scott introduces the Leader Growth Mastermind Community, highlighting its benefits and offering insights into the support and growth it provides for leaders.
  • 32:45 – Closing Thoughts and Invitation: Listeners are invited to join the mastermind community and take the first step towards enhancing their leadership capabilities.
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The following is an AI generated transcript which should be used for reference purposes only. It has not been verified or edited to reflect what was actually said in the podcast episode. 


Scott McCarthy [00:00:00]:
Alright. So here’s the situation or scenario, I should say. You hand off a project or a task to one of your subordinates, and you send them on their merry way after giving them all the nitty gritty details that you believe they needed to achieve the task. And once time comes for either you to receive the end product or the task is deemed to be complete, There’s problems. Many problems. Your expectations were far from being met. That is what we’re tackling today, the expectations that are constantly missed. And more importantly, what we’re gonna be tackling today is the 3 different types of gaps that cause these missed expectations.

Scott McCarthy [00:00:58]:
And then with each gap, how you go about mitigating the gap from occurring in the 1st place, identifying those core reasons why the gaps exist. Now I’m going to give you a little preview, shall we? A little forecasting foreshadowing, I should say. I’m going to shock you. I’m going to basically make you consider how it is you’re actually leading your team. Why? Because I’m gonna give you the bottom line upfront or what we like to say, to bluff, and that is it doesn’t matter the gap or the reason why that gap exists. At end of the day, You, you, the leader, you’re the reason why your expectations aren’t being met. And, no, I don’t mean that from a sense that, oh, you have too high of expectations. Rather, you’re not giving your team members what they need in the 1st place.

Scott McCarthy [00:02:11]:
So if you’re ready to stop missing expectations. Are you ready to stop having your team members not quite getting it per se? Then it’s time to listen in. And for this, what you’re going to listen to is actually recording a live video I did, a live webinar, just not even a week ago. And if you want to check out the graphic that corresponds with this episode so that You don’t necessarily get lost per se because I did do it as a video. Go to lead.comforward/2 85285, and you’re gonna find a corresponding graphic in there so you can easily follow along. But at the same time, It is easy to follow along. So without further ado, sit back, relax, and it’s time to figure out why you’re not setting your team up for success when it comes to meeting your expectations. Welcome 1, welcome all to the Peak Performance Leadership podcast, A weekly podcast series dedicated to helping you hit peak performance across the 3 domains of leadership.

Scott McCarthy [00:03:42]:
Those being leading yourself, leading your team and leading your organization. This podcast couples my 20 years of military experience as a senior Canadian army officer with world class guests bringing you the most complete podcast of leadership going. And for more, feel free to check out our website at Moving forward leadership .com. And with that, let’s get to the show. They’re catching us live or catching the replay of this, webinar today. And what we’re gonna be diving into today is something It’s super important That’s better or better. Anyway, so we’re talking about something that’s important to me today, and it is me. We’re gonna be talking about how to identify them.

Scott McCarthy [00:04:56]:
And then finally, the most important part of This whole thing will be have you go about stopping them from occurring in the 1st place? Alright? So thanks for tuning in. I don’t Expect this to take the full hour that I slate it. But who knows? Right? It all depends. Everything depends. But I expect this to be wrapped up probably within 30 minutes. So if you’re grabbing this live, just keep that in mind, unless you have tons of questions, which I don’t there will be because every time I present this to a coaching session, a training group, training session, whatever, people immediately get it. And it’s not difficult per se. It’s just a matter of us needing to think this way and understand it and go, and you’ll understand.

Scott McCarthy [00:05:50]:
And you’ll have the same effect 2. Same reaction. Alright. So let’s set the stage, shall we? Let’s quick have a quick chat about managing expectations. And what do I mean by that? So I’m going to talk to you quickly about A scenario. Think of it. So you give a task to a subordinate. You ask them if they have any questions.

Scott McCarthy [00:06:15]:
They say no, and off they go. Time passes. You come back later, and you look for an update. Maybe that task is supposed to have been completed by now. Maybe not. Either way, you check up and you go, What the heck is this? Uh-huh. This isn’t what I was expecting. This isn’t what I asked.

Scott McCarthy [00:06:44]:
This isn’t That’s totally wrong. Or maybe one of your people goes off and does something completely and utterly wrong. I mean, from, like, a conduct perspective. So maybe they are Bit immoral in how to go about getting their sales. So not exactly telling the truth, but not quite lying neither. But your expectation was that was to not occur. K. This is what I’m talking about.

Scott McCarthy [00:07:17]:
So when we get into this framework, and you’ll see here, I talk about my 3 domains of leadership. Right? I’m talking about leading ourselves, leading our team, and leading our organization. Now most people would immediately believe that This is a leading your team thing. You know? This would fall into that domain per se. And, Yeah. Absolutely wrong. Absolutely not wrong. Not wrong whatsoever.

Scott McCarthy [00:07:49]:
However, I would suggest that the other 2 domains equally apply. If you argued with me, oh, they should apply a little bit less. We could definitely have that conversation. And probably I could maybe I could get bent to say, okay, yeah, it’s more of a leading your team thing, but at the same time, the other 2 domains definitely apply. So let’s dive into what it is when we talk about management of expectations and how we go about making sure that these expectations are in fact met. So first things first. Right? We have to figure out why this is occurring. Okay? The why behind it is always always important.

Scott McCarthy [00:08:53]:
So this is the first thing. And what I’m going to do is actually bear with me, ladies and gentlemen. We’re gonna pop open a whiteboard. There are no slides for today’s presentation. They’re whiteboards. So if you bear with me, we’ll embed a whiteboard. Firm. Alright.

Scott McCarthy [00:09:20]:
So first things first is what I want you to understand is that there are actually 3 different reasons why someone and this is your expectation. Three different is here. Space in which as the leaders that your person is here. Or But this is the best standard. This is the expectation. This is where you want them to be. If they go above, well, congratulations. It’s awesome.

Scott McCarthy [00:10:12]:
There may be great things according to that, but also there may be some negative repercussions or consequences because of that as well. So this is where you want them to be. They’re down here, and what you want to do is bring them up here. There are 3 different types of gaps that occur that cause this gap and why it doesn’t get filled. And the first one is, and I’m going to type it in because My writing is bad enough. Oh, I got caps lock on. Look at that. There we go.

Scott McCarthy [00:10:56]:
So anyway, my writing is bad enough. It’s even worse on the mouse. So the first one is is a knowledge gap. The person doesn’t actually know what it is that they need to do. So if you give them someone told me right now. If I was given a task at work to go ahead and co encode a new AI that would, scan the Internet and look for different variations of how people remember the number sequence of pi. Super random number. Why? Because I have code.

Scott McCarthy [00:11:49]:
I nothing. Right? I don’t know how to code computer programs. I don’t know how to code any type of AI. I use AI on the regular, but I don’t know how to code it per se. I wouldn’t even know how to take in an existing AI, such as chat GPT, and then Go ahead and recode it to do exactly that. So that is a knowledge gap. We don’t know what it is we how to do it. Right? We don’t know how to do whatever is expected from us.

Scott McCarthy [00:12:32]:
And then When we don’t know how to do something and we turn around and you, Basically, your expectations aren’t met. It’s because that knowledge isn’t there to take me from here and bring me up to their per se. So this is why The knowledge gap exists. Okay. So that’s one of 3. There are 3 different ones. So what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna talk about the 3 different ones, And I’m gonna talk about how you get, solve the problem for each one of those. So Three different gaps, and I’m gonna shock you.

Scott McCarthy [00:13:19]:
There are 3 different ways to solve the gap the problem with the gap of each one. Rule threes. Alright. So let’s dive into the next one. The next one is, it’s the importance. K. Okay. That task is to you, to your team member or team members, as well as the, organization.

Scott McCarthy [00:13:55]:
So, so that is the importance gap. So when someone doesn’t know how important something is, they may not necessarily place the proper amount of time, effort, resources to it. And therefore, the importance gap because their time is spent on doing other tasks. The importance gap then causes it to exist. Right? Because what happens is you expect the task to be done to a certain level. Everyone has 50,000,000 things they need to do. We only have so much time, and the moral of the story is that to the perfect or the highest level of standard, etcetera. Can’t be done.

Scott McCarthy [00:14:58]:
So when Someone doesn’t achieve something to that level of standard that you expect. So up here again, and they achieve it to here. I know how to code AI. So I’ve done you know, I’ve shown other AI. I’ve done other projects in that realm. I obviously have the competencies to achieve to that task, what’s expected of me, then the next gap is the importance gap. I don’t know how important it is to you. I don’t know how important it is to my team.

Scott McCarthy [00:15:43]:
I don’t know how important it is to my organization to achieve this. This is where the importance gap comes in. Now let’s see if I can pan this. Yes. I can. I’m gonna pan this over just so we keep it at a, decent size. And the final gap so let’s go So let’s say obviously, I know what I’m doing when it comes to the AI example. So I know how to code.

Scott McCarthy [00:16:14]:
Great. Done it in past. Great. You tell me how important it is. Awesome. Sounds good. Alright. I know that it’s important to you.

Scott McCarthy [00:16:25]:
I know it’s important to organization, and the team and I both know that this is important overall. K. So those gaps don’t exist. Yet for some reason, the expectations here and I’m still showing up here. There’s one last gap that covers this. And this is the one that really tricks a lot of people up, and that is the Implementation gap. And, yes, I speak as I write it long words. Okay? The implementation gap.

Scott McCarthy [00:17:00]:
So implementing the time, effort, resources, Basically taking effort and implementing to achieve whatever it is that task is to achieve. Alright. That is what we mean by the implementation gap. So I I know how to do. I know how important it is, yet I still don’t do it. Now you can think of a personal example, like a individualistic example of this, and this is often health and fitness. Right? People know what to do. Eat less calories than to lose weight.

Scott McCarthy [00:17:47]:
To lose weight, you do One thing, eat less calories than you eat. That’s it. People know that it’s important. Important health. Right? It’s health. Health is super important to everyone. You wanna be a live hunt a long life. You wanna be there for your family.

Scott McCarthy [00:18:02]:
You wanna see your children grow up, be honest, your grandkids grow, etcetera, etcetera. K? So you know an importance. It’s the implementation that kicks people in the butt. It’s the implementation that people fall short on. This is the gap where I would suggest about 90 85, 9% of your problems occur. It’s the implementation gap. No one of and product being there, and the reality is the implementation of that task, processes, etcetera. Put it down here.

Scott McCarthy [00:18:45]:
So these, ladies and gentlemen, are the 3 different gaps. Okay. I’m just gonna close the agenda. Pan over. And There we go. Alright. So we have 3 gaps, 3 different categories. So Let’s Whiteboard went away.

Scott McCarthy [00:19:14]:
Let’s bring that back up because we need that. So bear with me. It’s the 1st time I use the whiteboard in a live webinar, so just bear with me. Alright. So we are back. Let me just close this, Move this. And now I know not to change the agenda every 2nd. Alright.

Scott McCarthy [00:19:37]:
So Let’s bring this up front and center. So we got the knowledge gap. We got the importance gap. We got the implementation gap. So each one of those gaps, there are 3 different things in which, you can do to close that gap. There are 3 different things. In the knowledge gap, this one is the easiest one for us to know, and that is training. The first thing everyone goes to, training.

Scott McCarthy [00:20:12]:
Teaching someone what to do. And actually, what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna break all 3 of these out in the, knowledge gap and explain the differences with all 3 up so that you can see that better. So the first one is training. Check. Alright. These are the 3 things that you need to do that you implement to It is the wizard of 3. Alright. Again, training, coaching, and implementation.

Scott McCarthy [00:21:02]:
So let’s talk about the 3 and their differences. Training is pretty well known. Training is basically, certifications, going on courses, getting told, okay, click here, hit this button, move cursor there, click this, click that, etcetera. That is training. Alright. Direct. You do what I tell you to do for these reasons. K.

Scott McCarthy [00:21:32]:
So, again, I can go ahead and get sent off to a, training program to develop AI. They exist. Wake up and come back with a certification. Coaching is more active. So this is where the individual comes to a coach and says, hey. I’m having problems in these different areas. Not sure what to do here. I don’t know quite know what to do there.

Scott McCarthy [00:22:04]:
And a coach will tell them best practices, give them, things to consider, and then kind of, you know, guide them towards the right answer. So Again, with the AI thing, I go off. I get I get trained up in creation of AI, and then I come back and start building thing. And someone’s actively kinda with me often and letting me know, okay. Yep. You’re doing good here. However, This coding here could be easy could be done better in this way. You can shorten it, making the program faster.

Scott McCarthy [00:22:41]:
You can do this. You can do that to make it run smoother, better. There could be better interface with the user. All of those different things. Mentorship is even another step back per se. So I know how to code. I know the a great for, you know, for the most part, the best practice is, I’ve done projects, etcetera. Mentorship is where I now go to someone who has a lot of experience, and they guide me.

Scott McCarthy [00:23:11]:
So let’s say I have a new project in my head, and I kinda map it out with them. And they go, okay. Well, have you considered this? Have you considered that? What do you think the advantages are to this process? What do you think the disadvantages are to it? And so on. And then you let the person go to kind of experience it and and not necessarily be there over their shoulder. So training, coaching, mentorship. This is how we eliminate the knowledge gap. So now let’s move on to The importance gap. Remember, the importance gap is all about the person knowing why it’s so important.

Scott McCarthy [00:24:05]:
So obviously, 1st one is prioritization. I don’t know how many times I’ve said this, and I will say it again. Is spelled wrong. There we go. If everything is a priority, nothing is. How many times have we sat in meetings and a supervisor oops. Sorry. Supervisor has said or you’ve asked a supervisor, okay.

Scott McCarthy [00:24:36]:
What’s the priority here? This is a priority. That’s a priority. So this other thing’s a priority. What’s a priority? And supervisor goes, well, all of it. It’s all a priority. K. If everything is a priority, that means nothing is a priority. As a leader, we need to effectively prioritize because as I talked about earlier, Our tie our team’s time is limited.

Scott McCarthy [00:25:03]:
Our time is limited. We cannot get into this habit of thinking everything is gonna be perfect all the time, and we’re going to be able to get all the results we want in a little to no time. So prioritization is absolutely and utterly Crucial. K. So you as a leader, you need to work on that. Probably find a better word to describe this, And if I do, I’ll update everything. But what do I mean by expectations? Expectations basically, what I mean here is, What do you expect from them? Oops. Sorry.

Scott McCarthy [00:25:59]:
I just I got it. I didn’t hit my microphone. Anyway, what do you expect from them? What level of standard do you expect from them? How deep do you want them to go? How detailed do you want them to be? What is the framework of the task? That’s what I mean by expectations. So if you tell somebody again, if We go ahead and use my AI example. Okay. I just go ahead and build a web version of the AI. Go to a website, scott’ I have no idea if that’s a website, by the way, just you throwing it out there.

Scott McCarthy [00:26:38]:
But anyway, let’s say we go to Scott and boom, there’s my AI. But you, as my supervisor, your expectation was not just a website. Like, we need an app. But you don’t communicate that with me. That is why we missed the expectations. That’s why there was a gap. We didn’t tell you. The expectation of this thing because it’s so important, and we need to have it everywhere.

Scott McCarthy [00:27:04]:
So we want a web version. We want an Android app. We want an iOS app. We want an app that works on tablets as well as phones, etc. That is what I mean by expectations. Okay? The final thing in here we need to do to close the importance gap is communications. We need to communicate with our people. The priority and the expectation of the task result with our people.

Scott McCarthy [00:27:45]:
If we don’t, that’s why the gap exists. You need to communicate that. So I talk about my delegation framework all the time. Tell them what they’re to do. Tell them what their boundaries are, how far they can go. Either way, Ask them if they have any questions. Once you either they say no or you’ve answered them, you send them on your way. But you go ahead and allow them to follow-up.

Scott McCarthy [00:28:11]:
Allow them to come back because we don’t always have all the questions in our head Immediately right there and then and there, things change. Our, perspective changes. We hit a block. We’re not a 100% sure. We need to enable that communication. On top of that the leader to communicate as well so that someone understands. Okay? If the parties change, We need to communicate that as well. Alright? Communication, super crucial.

Scott McCarthy [00:28:57]:
It will destroy you if You don’t do it and do it properly. Hey. Before we dive into the last one, I’m just gonna take a quick sip of water here. I’m getting a bit dry. For those who are following me live right now, this is day 6 of My seventy five heart challenge, my mental toughness challenge with, members of the mastermind, and they’re just doing a bang up job. I can’t believe those folks. They’re crushing it. So proud of them every day.

Scott McCarthy [00:29:29]:
Anyway, let’s dive into the last gap and how we eliminate it. And the first thing is is accountability. Accountability. Holding people accountable. And I don’t when I say holding people accountable, I don’t mean bringing them in the office and going, you didn’t achieve this. You didn’t achieve that. You did wrong. That’s not countable.

Scott McCarthy [00:30:04]:
Well, it is, but still it’s not. When I say using accountability To close the implementation gap is, you know, one way to do that is set milestones. By week 1, we expect this to be done. By week 2, we expect that to be done. 3, 4, so on. Having regular check ins. Having team members hold each other accountable. K? These are all different ways of accountability, and it doesn’t have to be reprimanding in nature.

Scott McCarthy [00:30:54]:
Putting it down. So having these metrics, these goals, these milestones in place, Having additional team members work on the project so people can hold each other accountable will bring that gap and close it when it comes to implementation time because they’ll make sure that they are working on it as they should be working on it. The next, The second last thing here in this list is culture, And I’ll give you a story. I worked with an organization once. Okay. Actually, yeah, I was working with the organization and I went up for some meetings to their build to their offices. Show up for the meeting. We’ll say it’s supposed to start at 9.

Scott McCarthy [00:31:51]:
I can’t remember exactly what time it was. It doesn’t matter. We’ll say it’s supposed to start at 9. 9 was there. No one was there. 905 came. No one was there. 9 10 k.

Scott McCarthy [00:32:06]:
I went for my 2nd coffee. 9 15. Come back. Still, no one there. No one showed up. 920 ish. Someone walked through the door. Oh, I’m so sorry.

Scott McCarthy [00:32:21]:
So sorry. So my expectation was that the person was going to be there at 9 because we had established meeting to be at 9. Now purposes with, you know, some things happens. Sometimes things happen. Traffic, issue at home, boss grabs you suddenly end of the blue, sucks up a bunch of your time. All kinds of different reasons why this person could have showed up late. But the reality is is that that person’s Organizational culture was that if you showed up to meetings on time, that means you weren’t working hard enough. So you see why there was a gap.

Scott McCarthy [00:33:11]:
My expectation was you showed up on time. The culture dictated that. If you showed up on time, you’re not working hard enough. You’re not busy enough. Go down talking about that. Maybe that’ll be a podcast or episode for another day. But it’s a great example to show why this gap, This issue exists. So if the culture doesn’t align with the expectations that you have, then either you need to change your expectations or You need to change your culture.

Scott McCarthy [00:33:51]:
And in my example here, I would suggest the culture needed the change Vice the expectations. Alright. And the last thing, ladies and gentlemen, to cure the implementation gap is commitment. Commitment is basically the person commits to implementing whatever it is that they’re supposed to be implementing or working on that they go after and get the job done. K. So getting commitment from the individual, absolutely crucial to going and eliminating that implementation gap. Now let’s talk about who’s responsible for these. K? So training and coaching.

Scott McCarthy [00:35:01]:
Actually, let me pan over a bit so I can see better. K. Training and coaching. Who’s responsible for training within an organization? You, the leader, you’re responsible for making sure your team members have proper training. Now some of you may say, but it’s responsible the people are responsible for making sure they have the training before they get hired. Okay. That’s first to make sure that actually occurred. They do have the proper for coaching their team members.

Scott McCarthy [00:35:38]:
You, the leader. Scratch. What I’m doing is showing you who’s a rare person who missed the expectations, where their full responsibility lies. Okay? Mentorship. Who’s responsible for mentorship in organization? That’s you, the leader. So, again, not them. Who’s responsible for setting priorities? You, the leader. Who’s responsible for, setting the expectations of the task at hand.

Scott McCarthy [00:36:09]:
You, the leader. He’s responsible for making sure communication flows back and forth, that the processes and the ability is actually there to you, the leader. Now you could probably argue with me, well, yes, you can have all of that, but it’s still up to the team member to actually come and communicate with you. Agreed. 100% agree. But what I’m saying here is that it’s your responsibility to make sure that that person has that In-depth feeling and understanding that they can communicate with you, that they have the psychological safety set to be able to communicate with you. K. Who’s responsible for making sure people are accountable to implementing, the task at hand.

Scott McCarthy [00:36:59]:
That’s you, the leader, again. And then finally not finally. 2 more to go. Who’s responsible for setting organizational culture? Got it. You’re the leader. And then commitment. Who’s responsible for for your people to commit to the task. This one here, that’s them.

Scott McCarthy [00:37:20]:
K? That’s them. It’s kinda hard for you as a leader to get them to commit to tasks. But what I would say to you is all these other things here, I’m gonna change colors. All this and all this is not set. Then one heck would a subordinate commit. If you’re not giving them training, the coaching, and mentorship, if you’re not providing them the prioritization and setting expectations properly, if you don’t communicate with them, There’s no if the culture is off and there’s no forms of accountability, I e, other p team members are doing whatever the heck they want to do, and no one’s holding them accountable, why then would someone be committed to achieving the results that you expect them to achieve. So when I say all that, Who does it bow down to again? That’s right. You’re the leader.

Scott McCarthy [00:38:30]:
You’re responsible for whether or not expectations are met from your team members. And when they’re not met, it falls on you. You have to provide all these things to go and close all the gaps. So I hope this was effective for you. That is how we go leading with impact. Okay? So this is how we go ahead and take and, take this and move it up. And what I’ll do is I want to share a file. I will do that now.

Scott McCarthy [00:39:11]:
And what I’m sharing is a just a a, a photo file. Alright. And that is that. So that is now embedded within this within, okay, this presentation. So for all of you who are checking it, you can feel free to download it. It’ll be available, in the Facebook group and and just reach out to me if you want a copy of this. But it will show you, k, where the gaps are, and what you need to do. It shows you exactly that, where you need to prioritize, where you need to focus on changing and for having issues with the implementation gap.

Scott McCarthy [00:39:53]:
Because as I said, this is one where it trips people up the most. We’re here to help. K? I have multiple resources here to help you. You’re not alone. Despite the fact of how you may feel, you’re not alone. I’ve been there. That’s why I coach on it. It’s why I started the podcast and stuff.

Scott McCarthy [00:40:18]:
You’re not alone. K? And that You can get help through the different resources. I provide 1 to 1 coaching where we can sit down and work through this, How to instill accountability, how to do commitment, how to get culture. So aiming for setting product product priorities or how you can get more effectively. Everything we do. K? 1 to 1 coaching is here for you. The leader growth mastermind We can go ahead and not just me, but a full community and tap into the experience of all these people and say, hey. I’m having issues here.

Scott McCarthy [00:40:59]:
What’s your perspective? What do you think? And get multiple perspectives from it. So powerful can even begin to explain how powerful that mastermind community is. But if you don’t come and take advantage of it, then you’re just gonna spin your wheels. So I’ll leave you with this. You’re ready to start leading with the impact, or you’re ready to start making a difference? Are you ready to stop bashing your head against the wall and asking yourself why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why am I not getting what it is I want to get or expect to get? And instead go, yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

Scott McCarthy [00:41:43]:
The team is crushing it. Both forms are here for you. Both resources are here for you. It’s up to you to take it on. I will tell you if you’re a little bit hesitant. The mastermind community is exactly the place to start because, one, it’s much cheaper obviously doing 1 to 1 coaching, but my money back guarantee is unrivaled. I will state that publicly to the role. Go ahead.

Scott McCarthy [00:42:17]:
Try to rival me because I won’t give you your money back if you’re not happy after 30 days. I’m going to double it. Double it because I believe in it so much, and the members believe in it so much that you get such an amazing impact out of this, that not only will I give you your money back, I’ll give you a double because then obviously I’ve done something wrong. But my belief is you’re going to stay. That’s why I put that double out. Yes. It’s there. It’s on my website.

Scott McCarthy [00:42:52]:
You can check it out. So if you’re ready for more, you want to join us, tired of spinning your wheels, come try it out. Lead dump boss.comforward/mastermind and sign up right now. And before you know it, You’ll be crushing all these missed expectations and having them fulfilled. That’s it, ladies and gentlemen. That’s it for the webinar. Thank you all. Thank you all for tuning in.

Scott McCarthy [00:43:20]:
Thank you for your support. Best thing is always, lead, don’t boss, and we’ll See you next time. Bye, Fran. And that’s a wrap for this episode, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for listening. Thank you for supporting the peak performance leadership podcast. But you know what you could do to truly support the podcast and know that’s not leaving a rating and view. It’s simply helping a friend, and that is helping a friend by sharing this episode with them if You think this would resonate with them and help them elevate their performance level, whether that’s within themselves, their teams, or their organization.

Scott McCarthy [00:44:01]:
So do that. Help me. Help a friend. Win win all around. And, hey. You look like a great friend at the same time. So Just hit that little share button on your app, and then feel free to fire this episode to anyone that you feel would benefit from it. Finally, there’s always more.

Scott McCarthy [00:44:22]:
There’s always more lessons around being the highest performing leader that you can possibly be, whether that’s for yourself, your team, or your organization. So why don’t you subscribe? Subscribe to the show via moving forward leadership.comforward/subscribe. Until next time, Lead. Don’t boss. And thanks for coming out. Take care now.