Raise Your Game | Alan Stein Jr. | Episode 72

As leaders we always need to be looking for ways to improve our performance. We need to be always trying to be better than we were yesterday. It is not easy trying to improve yourself as a leader and sometimes you need help to raise your game. Raising your game is about self-improvement and most importantly being more effective. Today’s guest has just the tools to help you with those goals.

Top 5 Leadership Qualities | Episode 71


There are good leaders and then there are great leaders. Often we wonder what separates the good ones from the great. What leadership qualities do these great leader have which in fact makes them great. And finally, how do they employ these qualities to ensure they achieve success for their organization, their team, and themselves. […]

Developing Cultural Brilliance | Claudette Rowley | Episode 70

Culture is said to be the cornerstone of any organization. Without a culture where employees feel secure, valued, and respected an organization will crumble. Yet we hear so many horror stories of bosses running their organizations to the ground, or employees who do not feel apart of a team and ultimately only care for themselves. It’s time leaders step forward and develop an organizational culture where everyone matters, where everyone is valued, and where everyone can thrive.

HTML All The Things

I had the honoured of being interviewed on HTML All The Things. Whilst a show geared towards IT business owners, the hosts truly understood the importance of leadership as business owners. Topics During this interview I was asked questions on the following subjects: The basics of leadership The different leadership types and which one would […]

Rising Through the Leadership Ladder | Ron Carucci | Episode 69

Climbing the organizational leadership ladder is in the back of the mind of most leaders. Most leaders aim to be promoted in order to impact more people around them. However, the problem which they face is how to be promoted without coming across as self-centered and egotistical. My guest Ron Carucci has the experience which can help leaders with just this problem and rise through the leadership ladder.

Leading by Advising President Obama | Anton Gunn | Episode 68

When we think of leadership, we do not necessarily think of the highest political levels. However, this is where leadership can have its greatest impacts. Instead of leading tens, hundreds, or even thousands. A head of state leads millions. This is a level of leadership which is not seen by many. However, my guest today […]