Leading by Advising President Obama | Anton Gunn | Episode 68

When we think of leadership, we do not necessarily think of the highest political levels. However, this is where leadership can have its greatest impacts. Instead of leading tens, hundreds, or even thousands. A head of state leads millions. This is a level of leadership which is not seen by many. However, my guest today […]

How to Battle Decision Fatigue | Episode 67

How to Battle Decision Fatigue | Episode 67

Decision fatigue effects all leaders at all levels. No matter how much experience you gain as a leader, you cannot avoid decision fatigue completely. It can have an impact on our ability to lead our people and organizations and in the worst-case scenarios it can have consequences at home. Timestamped Overview During this solo episode […]

Leading Change | Jen McFarland | Episode 66

Change is ever present. If you are not changing, then you are not growing and if you are not growing then you are dying. In order to lead successful organizations, we as leaders need to master the art of change management. This is where my guest Jen McFarland is an expert in. Meet Jen Jen […]

Unlocking Your Leadership Potential | George Penyak | Episode 65

Regardless if you believe it or not, we all have leadership potential in us. In some form or another we all can be leaders. Some people naturally are able to unlock it themselves while others need someone to show them the way to unlock it. Meet George During this interview, I bring back for a […]

Badass Agile Podcast

Badass Agile Podcast

http://media.blubrry.com/badassagile/content.blubrry.com/badassagile/Badass_Conversations_-_Agility_and_Leadership_in_the_Field_of_Battle_with_Scott_McCarthy.mp3 I had the joy of being interviewed on Chris Williams’ Badass Agile podcast recently! Here is what he had to say on his landing page: This week, I interview Scott McCarthy of Moving Forward Leadership. Scott is a leader in the Canadian Armed Forces, and also runs his own leadership consultancy and podcast. In […]

Dumbing Down Organizational Growth | Karen Walker | Episode 64

As an organization you are either flying or you are dying and this holds true whether you are for-profit or not-for-profit. Organizations grow over time to meet their increasing demands are requirements. However, there are ways to fail at growing. Organizations can actually set themselves up for failure when they grow too fast with little […]

Lead a Badass Agile Organization | Chris Williams | Episode 63

Change, it is the ever consent in our world. Since forever, the world has been changing. Organizations are no different. Organizations at times need to be steady like an rock and others they need to be adaptive and nimble like a cat. This is where “agile” comes into play. Agile allows organizations to change, morph, […]