5 Tips to be successful as a Younger Leader | Episode 171


Age is often looked at as a sign of experience and competence. However, leadership is more complex than simply age. Younger leaders definitely face more complex challenges than their older counterparts. Additionally, the ability to form high-performing teams is challenged.

However, not all is bad. Younger leaders can bring their assets to move their organization forward. Like anything, there are simple tactics which can help you as a younger leader to excel.

Ways to Control Chaos in Your Business | Susan Fennema | Episode 170

Ways to Control Chaos in Your Business | Susan Fennema | Episode 170

Chaos can destroy the best of organizations. It can rifle through them with unprecedented speed and destruction. As leaders, we need to ensure that we eliminate chaos when it occurs. However, it is even more important to ensure that we get ahead and stop the chaos from even starting in the first place.

Susan Fennema is the Chaos Eradicating Officer (CEO) of Beyond the Chaos, a consultancy helping small business owners to simplify their operations and manage their projects so they can grow their businesses and get their lives back. With 30+ years of operations/project management experience in professional service industries, Susan is on a mission to improve American society exponentially. When not making multi-course dinners, she enjoys Texas A&M football games and Blackhawks hockey. She lives and works from her home in McKinney, Texas, with her husband, dog, and cat.

Measure, Execute, WIN | Alex Castro | Episode 169

Measure, Execute, WIN | Alex Castro | Episode 169

There’s no lack of good ideas in today’s business world, yet 50% of them are doomed to failure. Executives will often greenlight a strategic initiative based on a business case and financial analyses alone, with no idea whether their company has the ability to execute it successfully. But there’s a better way to make corporate […]

Lead a Quantum Lean Organization | Michael Sanders | Episode 167

Employees have lots of reasons to resist change, from apathy to fear. However, many employers miss the biggest reason their workforce might balk at change: Not all ideas for change are good and productive! 2020 is the year that no one saw coming, rife with business challenges from the pandemic, fires, political unrest, and more. America’s vulnerability to overseas suppliers is a strong argument for manufacturing to return to the United States. However, this will present significant challenges, as American companies try to attain the level of productivity of countries such as, for example, Japan, which has learned to streamline production into smaller footprints. Change is necessary if American manufacturing is to succeed.

How to Lead Through Negotiations and Conflict Resolutions | Kwame Christian | Episode 166

How to Lead Through Negotiations and Conflict Resolutions | Kwame Christian

Negotiation and conflict resolution are often looked at as the difficult conversations and actions which leaders need to take. These are often uncomfortable conversations to have with our coworkers and subordinates; however, they are absolutely essential in order to ensure that our organization is an effective one. Therefore, we need to get past the uncomfortness […]