Bringing together new teams of people can be challenging, especially if it requires managing disparate personalities, diverse backgrounds, and conflicting interests. However, with sustained effort, open communication, and effective problem-solving skills, successful team cohesion is within reach. Leaders need to take the time to get to know their team members individually, invest in building relationships of trust and mutual respect, motivate mild competition where appropriate, set clear goals and expectations, resolve conflict constructively, and use feedback to coach and celebrate success. When leaders put in the work to bring their teams together, the results will be well worth the effort.
Meet Andrea
A registered nurse since 2011, Andrea works in a pediatric critical care unit. Discussing mental health and philosophy has always been her passion and outlet. Andrea wholeheartedly believes emotional intelligence is a valuable, yet under-taught phenomenon. After all, it helped her cope with anxiety, depression and her first burn out at the young age of 21 – two short years after working the floor as a nurse. Unaware of what she was experiencing, Andrea turned to talk therapy for help, where she was taught strategies on how to become aware of her emotions and thus, manage them. She learned how to handle the anxiety that had imprisoned her mind, and gained control over the panic attacks and depression that plagued her. Andrea’s goal is to destigmatize mental health and create a safe space through her podcast so she can help others who are currently going through their own personal struggles. She hopes to encourage self-awareness and self-love, and create an environment where mental health can be spoken about openly and truthfully, without stigma or judgment.
During this interview Andrea and I discuss the following topics:
- The challenges of bringing a new team together
- Tactical actions she took to get her team gel together
- How her team got through conflict with another team
- Strategies she used to improve communication within her team
- How having a sense of psychological safety has propelled her team forward
Guest Resources
Andrea has no resources but wanted to share the “Emotion Wheel” with you as one.

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Scott McCarthy
The following is an AI generated transcript which should be used for reference purposes only. It has not been verified or edited to reflect what was actually said in the podcast episode.
Scott McCarthy [00:00:00]:
In episode 249 of the Peak Performance Leadership podcast, we speak to leader Andrea Amy, and she’s gonna tell you how you can build a team from the ground up. That’s right, folks. It’s all about building teams from scratch today. Are you ready for this? Alright. Let’s do it. Welcome 1. Welcome all to the Peak Performance Leadership podcast, a weekly podcast series use dedicated to helping you hit peak performance across the 3 domains of leadership. Those being leading yourself, leading your team, end leading your organization.
Scott McCarthy [00:00:44]:
This podcast couples my 20 years of military experience as a senior Canadian army officer with world class guests bring you the most complete podcast of leadership going. And for more, feel free to check out our site at moving forward And with that, let’s get to the show. Yes. Welcome and welcome all to Peak Performance Leadership Podcast. It is your chief leadership officer, Scott McCarthy, and thanks for coming out Dang, it’s so good to have you here. You, the listener, and all your friends and everyone else who is listening to this movement. That’s right.
Scott McCarthy [00:01:27]:
This movement from around the globe. I’ve lost track at how many countries we are reaching here at the Peak Performance Leadership podcast. The last time I checked, it was around a 150 different countries. Thousands of leaders tuning in every week, and you are one of those. So thanks for coming out. I appreciate you. More importantly, I’m happy that you’re here. And today, I am here to say I’ve been listening to you.
Scott McCarthy [00:01:59]:
A number of you, reach out to me and say, hey, Scott. These experts, these authors, these thought leaders, etcetera, are great. They’re fantastic. But sometimes, Can we just talk to the normal leader? The person who’s there now. The person who’s in the trenches right now doing the job and learn from them. What drove them? What challenged them? What success that they have and how have they failed along the way, and most importantly, how can we learn from it all. And that’s what we got for you today. We have Andrea on the show.
Scott McCarthy [00:02:36]:
And disclaimer, first off, Andrea is a member of our leader growth mastermind, our elite mastermind for leaders who want to continue to elevate their skills, not feel lonely, but rather challenge themselves to grow every single day. And I will tell you, Andrea is just knocking it out of the park with us. Every week she shows up and I swear to god, it’s like, what has Andrea done new? And more importantly, you know, how has she grown this week She never ceases to me. So if that interests you, you can check it out at lead don’t boss.comforward/ mastermind. Again, that’s lead don’t boss.comforward/mastermind, and you can apply to sign up right there. So check it out. We would love to see you in there, and no doubt Andrea would love to meet you. So who is this Andrea person that I am gloating about well, she’s a registered nurse, and she runs a nursing clinic, out of the Montreal, Canada area.
Scott McCarthy [00:03:46]:
So, actually, don’t pick up the French accent. She speaks super clean English. It’s amazing. So, anyway, so that’s what she does. And what you’re gonna hear out of the story, that she’s going to tell is This is a brand new team still. Relatively speaking, this is a brand new team. And you’re gonna hear the struggles and the wins of her bringing this whole new team together and, you know, literally stay starting it from the ground up. So we talk about the challenges that she had of bringing that team together, some tactical actions she took to get her team to gel and form, how she got her team through conflict with another team, some strategies she’s used to employ communication within her team.
Scott McCarthy [00:04:35]:
It’s so much more. Andrea’s got a great sense, you know, just, one of those personalities that fills the room in a good way. You know? She brings the energy, and you’re gonna get this from the show. So, Anyway, that’s enough for me. Why don’t you sit back, relax, and enjoy my conversation about building a new team from the ground up with Andrea Amy. Andrea, welcome to the show.
Andrea Ami [00:05:13]:
Thank you.
Scott McCarthy [00:05:17]:
So you’re here. You’re not an author. You’re not a coach. I should I could say you’re not a podcaster, but we were just talking before. I hit record. I’ve learned you had a podcast that you took down. So briefly. Anyway, you’re just you’re just Andrea.
Scott McCarthy [00:05:40]:
You’re just manager, leader, team lead, Andrea, someone from the real world.
Andrea Ami [00:05:48]:
Scott McCarthy [00:05:49]:
Alright. So and for the audience out there, listen. Like, I had a bunch of people reach out to me like, hey, Scott. You know? These coaches, these authors, these Navy SEALs, all these, you know, people are great, but can we get some real people from time to time? So I got you a real person, ladies and gentlemen. We got Andrea Amy on the show. She I I’m gonna let her introduce herself. So, Andrea, why don’t you tell the audience a little bit about yourself, who you are, where you’re from, you know, what you’re doing, all that stuff. Fun facts are always good times too.
Scott McCarthy [00:06:23]:
How about it?
Andrea Ami [00:06:24]:
Great. So hello, everyone. My name is Andrea. I live in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. I’m a nurse clinician. I’ve been a nurse since 2011. Worked a lot in the hospital system just as a bedside nurse, And I got into leadership initially in the emergency room. And now I work in an outpatient psychiatry department, and I coordinate and lead a much smaller team of about 5 people.
Andrea Ami [00:07:01]:
And it was a new clinic that just opened up last March. So there’s been a lot of development and a lot of challenges, a lot of great things that have happened. And I joined a leadership group with Scott, and he’s been helping, and the group’s been supporting me through this. And here we are now.
Scott McCarthy [00:07:24]:
That is not a paid advertisement, by the way, ladies and gentlemen. I did not ask her to plug the group, but, hey. Thank you. Thanks. Anyway so here’s the most interesting bit is that, you know, your team is new. Like, it’s still new. It’s not even a year old. Right?
Andrea Ami [00:07:43]:
No. March 2020.
Scott McCarthy [00:07:46]:
Yeah. March 2022. So we’re 11 months, 10 10 change months, almost 11 months, through, you know, through the process now of having your team build it. So let’s talk about, you know, that team coming together. I’m sure it was nice, smooth, no problems. Your Team gelled instantly, and everything was perfect. Right? Am I right? Or am I wrong?
Andrea Ami [00:08:11]:
That you know? I couldn’t have said it better myself. Maybe there was a few challenges.
Scott McCarthy [00:08:23]:
Always are. So let’s talk about the challenges there. You’re like so let’s, you know, let’s talk about first off, let’s talk about your team coming together. So what were some of the challenges? But more importantly, you know, how have you been getting through them and getting over those humps and obstacles?
Andrea Ami [00:08:38]:
Mhmm. Well, one of the first challenges that we encountered was that We were a new team coming into someone else’s turf, essentially. So we we were new. However, we were Our our space was being used by other teams as well. So our first challenge was really Building our confidence and our self image and feeling like we could take up space and that we could get what we needed. So that was really challenging to navigate while we were still figuring out how we worked with each other as a team. So At the beginning, there was a lot of time spent really just building our relationships with each other And then also building the relationships with the other teams that were already present.
Scott McCarthy [00:09:40]:
Yeah. Relationships are crucial for sure, especially, in in this context where, you know, it’s new team. New new people come together. You know, I’m making an assumption here that many of you didn’t even know each other before you came together, like and then the interesting dynamic walk it on someone’s turf. So what were some of, like, the, like, tactical things that you guys, like, did to get to know each other, to kinda, you know, break the ice and then beginning to gel as a as a organization.
Andrea Ami [00:10:09]:
Yeah. So, Well, it it started with just it was a mixture between going with the flow but Creating structure. So going with the flow in the sense of let’s see what comes at us during the day because We were at the point of we didn’t even know what we didn’t know yet. So we had to just go day by day or hour by hour and see what things we needed to know and what problems arise and at the same time build structure, like establish regular team meetings and Team building like activities that could help us gel as a team. So that included things like going For walks together, on our lunch hour, taking, time to get to know each other over coffee of Some other times during our breaks. And also we organized a few thank our sets or or happy hours with with the team as well, which Really helped, actually. That one is a winner. If you’re questioning if you should do a happy hour with your team, the answer is yes.
Andrea Ami [00:11:26]:
Scott McCarthy [00:11:28]:
Yeah. Those events generally go over well, I would admit. But I like I like the walks. Like, how simple is that? Yet, how often do people not do that. Right? Like, how often do teams actually do that? I don’t I don’t hear of it often in all the people I talk to. Like, you know, something simple as walks. But I kinda like I like what you said. Like, you’re you’re flexible.
Scott McCarthy [00:11:52]:
You’re adaptable. Some things you said, oh, let’s let’s go with the flow. Let’s see how this works because every team is different. You gotta try to figure out everyone, but at the same time, like, oh, we identify the places where we do need structure. You know, team meetings,
Andrea Ami [00:12:05]:
Scott McCarthy [00:12:05]:
example, your weekly rhythm, like how, your weekly schedule and stuff like this. Like, that gets the team going, gets people in the groove, but at the same time, you need that ad hocness of, hey. Who wants to go for a drink? Hey. And away we go. Now you mentioned earlier you walked in. You know, you you took the keys to the house, and you walked in someone else’s house per se in someone’s turf. But, now now, obviously, this doesn’t happen every organization, but it can happen to others. Like, big companies organize it.
Scott McCarthy [00:12:41]:
Big companies and core corporations. Like, teams get shuffled around all the time. New team gets built. They’ll say, hey. You work out of this office area over here. And lo and behold, you know, someone’s been working there for the past 15, 20 years. And, like, who the heck are you? And it’s kinda similar knowing your backstory. That’s kinda similar to what happened to you guys.
Scott McCarthy [00:12:58]:
So how’d that go. Was there conflicts? Yes. There were. Of course, there were because I wouldn’t be asking questions if they weren’t. But, you know, how did you guys, you know, get through the work through these conflicts with this other team that was in the same physical space as yours.
Andrea Ami [00:13:15]:
Yeah. So, I mean, in terms of physical space, I could just start there. We didn’t even really have our space established at first, And we were bouncing around offices. And actually, just this last week, we are finally all in our finalized office spaces. So that took What are we now? As you said, 11 months in, 10 months in. So the first issue was actually the physical space, which was quite Challenging for the team to not feel like they when they went into the office that they had somewhere that they could put down their their boots, or, you know, leave a few things on their desk, not have to look things back and forth every day. So Our initial plan going in where we would we had certain offices set up more, Next to teams that were already there, that we had to readjust quite quickly because it it was sharing offices with the other team directly. And we learned that that was quite challenging because of those reasons of not being able to set anything down, Managing schedules between 2 teams, it just we’ve we’ve we’ve figured out that that wasn’t Really gonna be an effective strategy, and it wasn’t going to help our team feel like we really belonged there.
Andrea Ami [00:14:43]:
So We were able to you know, I was able to bring that up ladder with our team and well, with the managers. And We were able to find a different space in the meantime, which was better. And even though it wasn’t the finalized space that that the team would be. At least it could be a space that they could call their own. So that was one of the first challenges, and I I think that It was really important that the team felt that. And in terms of clashing with other teams, It was less common to be face to face with that because we had our own space. Other things that were coming up, that I think were really challenging could all come down to Honestly, misunderstandings and miscommunications. So things that were new to us were old news to the other team.
Andrea Ami [00:15:45]:
Or Once you’ve been doing something for a while, you might not understand why somebody else doesn’t understand it. And there was a lot of that. So when we would come to clarify questions, it might have not been obvious to the other people in the clinic Why we were asking those questions. And that was that was quite hard to navigate and I I think what really helped with that was just creating a strong team within us and Keeping the open communication and letting our team know that it was okay to ask questions and We could ask the questions among ourselves first if they were uncomfortable going elsewhere and kind of funnel it up through Through me or I could funnel it up through my manager, to make it more efficient. So so there was little strategies that would arise to help manage the flow of questions and challenges Along the way.
Scott McCarthy [00:16:55]:
What were some of those strategies? Because I’m sure the leaders that they’re listening might may be in a similar situation. And, you know Mhmm. You know, they could implement these.
Andrea Ami [00:17:06]:
So one of the strategies was really just Encouraging the curiosity, encouraging, the questions. So At our team meetings, there’s really a section that we would devote to info sharing and open questions. So info sharing would be if you learn something, even if it was you figured out how to work the fax machine, that was, you know, that that was a bit quirky. You would share that information so that it wasn’t every one of our team going to ask The same thing to someone on another team. So we were more efficient. We would be able to share information, and we would save that to our OneDrive and categorize all the information. So There was a lot of information gathering, and I really encourage the team to share that when they came upon new information. Other strategies kind of in line with that, the open questioning section of our meetings was really just Creating a sense of safety among the team so that they felt that There was no stupid questions, essentially.
Andrea Ami [00:18:27]:
There were there’s no questions that I wanted them to feel that weren’t appropriate or that they should know already. We try to make it clear amongst the team that we understand that this is situation is new and that we’re going to ask questions and that we’re going to ask the same questions over again. And that that was okay. So A lot of things were repetitive. A lot of things took a lot of time. However, it was it was an organized Chaos. When I look back at it now, it might not have felt like that during the time. But when I look at how far we’ve come, I can see that It was a really effective way of getting the information that we needed, and we were able to achieve a lot throughout this year of establishing a new team and starting projects within the team that that are quite impressive, And I’m very proud of of the team.
Scott McCarthy [00:19:32]:
You know, I I love that fax machine example. It’s it’s awesome. And I’ll tell you why. You know? I think it’s fantastic. In a, I will say, a simple person would go, oh, that’s just the fax machine. Anyone knows how to use the fax machine. But, yeah, there’s quirky there’s quirky equipment all the time. And I’ll tell, you know, quick side tangent.
Scott McCarthy [00:19:56]:
When I went first showed up in Afghanistan in our office area, we had a printer there. Like, I wanted to go office space on that Like, you know, take it out in the middle of the desert where we were. We have plenty of desert space and, like, take a baseball bat or my my I mill to that thing, just like the scene from the office space. But, anyway but it’s interesting. You mentioned, you know, the quirky fax machine. But if you think about it, how many hours would’ve been lost on that Mhmm. If you guys didn’t share that info? How many tie how many people would have gotten frustrated and, you know, waste not wasted, but used up find, just like you said, they wouldn’t be going to the the 1 person, the IT guy, IT Dan, and ask an IT Dan. Hey.
Scott McCarthy [00:20:43]:
What’s up with this fax machine? And Dan will get frustrated and go, here we go again. You gotta hit star, hit 9, do the triple tap on the side, and then hang up, and it’ll work. Right? That’s the secret handshake through the facts machine. I don’t know if that’s actually true, but you get my point. But it’s simple things like that which actually help. Right? And then people learn things and, like, hey. You know? And then suddenly, like, hey. Sandwiches at the cafeteria, best ever or stay away.
Scott McCarthy [00:21:13]:
Yep. You know, little things like that. But it’s interesting because, you know, it helps people it helps people get that sense of feeling of, I’m at home because you just and you also mentioned that. Like, your team was kind of being bounced for a while, and you didn’t feel like they’re at home. And finally now, 10 and change months later, almost 11 months later, they’re finally home, and Mhmm. It helps it. Now moving to the next topic, you did mention something which really sparked my interest, and you talked about safety, psychological safety, which is what I was hearing there. Right? I know that’s a topic near and dear to your heart,
Andrea Ami [00:21:51]:
not because It is.
Scott McCarthy [00:21:53]:
Psychology department, but but rather, you know, what I get from you all the time when we talk weekly is that you enjoy building that sense of psychological safety with your team. So can you talk a bit about that, how you’ve been able to build that, the response you’ve gotten from your team, as you build that and and the benefits that’s coming out of it.
Andrea Ami [00:22:16]:
Yes. So, yes, psychological safety Is it’s really been something that has really changed my outlook about teams and really It’s it’s it’s great. And when I started learning about psychological safety, I understood why it was important, but I didn’t know yet how do you actually create the psychological safety Within the team. So I was going in there being like, yes, I wanna be, you know, I wanna create the safe environment for the team. I want them to know that they can challenge me. I want them to know that they can learn. I want them to feel at home. And then, you know, you start getting these challenges and That’s where those moments come up that you can build the safety.
Andrea Ami [00:23:20]:
So just to recap, I When I first started understanding it, I thought that preventing conflict was creating psychological safety. However, Now I understand that it’s not preventing conflict, but it’s embracing the conflict and saying, oh, this is okay that this happened. We are still safe as a team. Even though maybe we butt heads as as a team sometimes or we butt heads with another team sometimes, At the end of the day, we still wanna work together. We still wanna find a solution, and we’re gonna work together to figure out what that means. And so that’s what we really encourage. And and it does make people a little uncomfortable at first because When I would go to a team member and say, tell me what you really think about this. Tell me what you need.
Andrea Ami [00:24:17]:
They they hold back, and they’re like, well, what do you mean? And I say no. Like, I actually wanna know, you know, tell me best case scenario, you know, if you could show up at work tomorrow and the problem would be solved, what would that mean for you? Or, you know, I tell them to kind of tell me how they’re actually feeling if they’re comfortable about that. Like, if they’re having a bad day, I open the door if they wanna share that. And
Scott McCarthy [00:24:45]:
A lot
Andrea Ami [00:24:45]:
of people haven’t experienced that, and I know on my team a lot of people told me afterwards that In previous workspace workplaces, they hadn’t had the opportunity to really, you know, say what they needed to their bosses. And it At first, you know, they they don’t feel safe to actually do that. So it’s taken time, and it’s still being built within the team for sure. It’s taken time to really show that it is actually safe, that I’m not lying about that, but I do wanna hear their opinion. But it it’s it’s a work in progress on my end too because I can say that I want to build this psychological safety, but, You know, I have my own leaders as well. I have you know, I’m human as well. So even if it’s If it’s something that I wanna achieve, it’s still work it’s still a challenge on my end.
Scott McCarthy [00:25:50]:
Bring a tear in my eye. I love it. No. I, you know, I love the aspect. And here’s the funny thing is, like, you know, as you know, I work day day in, day out with the Canadian Army as an officer. And I I talk with psychological safety there. And my my organization is a quite a different one. We’re we’re top top heavy, what we refer to as top heavy, I e, rank high rank heavy, a lot of high high ranking officers that work in my unit.
Scott McCarthy [00:26:23]:
And, of course, we’re all a types, and here you got me. I show up, and I’m like, psychological safety, blah blah blah. And people are like, what are you talking about, McCarthy? Right? But you you you hit it on the head is that, you know, like, I want to know what you actually think, and I want to know the truth. Mhmm. And where I work and way I see it is that I don’t I can’t afford the time to not know the truth. Don’t tell me what you think you you don’t tell me what you think I want to hear, because what I want to hear is the reality of what’s happening on the ground. Right? Mhmm. And that’s what psychological safety does.
Scott McCarthy [00:27:06]:
Because I’ll tell you is, I I’ve lived and worked in a in another organization where there was none. And I was like, oh, bad news. Yeah. How can we spin this? Right?
Andrea Ami [00:27:23]:
Scott McCarthy [00:27:24]:
I don’t feel like getting shot in the face today by the boss. So how can I spin this so it’s not so bad? And and that’s what it was. But the reality was that PASP was never getting the actual ground truth. So how can you make decisions, how can you, you know, operate in a way that’s gonna push your team forward, propel your organization forward if you’re not basing your decisions on factual information, but rather information either people think that you want to hear or they’re they’re changing the information so that you don’t, you know, basically shoot them in the face. So Mhmm. I I think psychological safety is underrated, and I love how you’ve embraced it.
Andrea Ami [00:28:07]:
Mhmm. Yeah. My my team is sick of hearing about it, But I but it you know, I oh, if I could share, You know, one of my first, encounters with psychological safety between me and my, manager, if you remember, Scott, It was right at the beginning, and, essentially, there was, hours that the staff might have needed to do to work on the weekend based on this protocol from the government. And I I challenged my boss saying, I don’t think that we can do this as a team. I think that they need their weekends. I think that we can find a different way to do it. I And I remember sweating. Like, I remember when I was talking to my boss, I was, like, In a full sweat.
Andrea Ami [00:29:04]:
She probably wouldn’t have noticed this, but I I felt scared, but I felt safe enough with her To challenge this idea. And this is probably the 1st time I’ve ever challenged a manager in my life. But she had, without knowing it, created an environment for me of safety. And I remember her saying, You know, I was surprised by your reaction. However, it gay it empowered me to then bring it up the ladder and acknowledge the uncomfortable, How I was uncomfortable with what I was asking the team of as well. And so she was given the opportunity to reflect on it and Essentially be empowered, and we were able to to eliminate that. And it was a really big win at the beginning of the team, At the beginning of our team coming together to say, you know what? Yeah. We don’t have to do this anymore.
Andrea Ami [00:30:00]:
We don’t have to be on call for the weekends. And I I remember telling my boss after that, you are in the final step of Psychological safety, which is challenger safety. So I was able to challenge you, and you did not shut me down. Like, you you took me seriously, and That has really that was probably the catalyst to be able to provide that for my team, because I know that My boss supported me, and she knows her boss supports her. So that makes all the difference.
Scott McCarthy [00:30:42]:
You you affected lives. Right? You you affect no. You did. You affect that your team’s lives there because, now now they’re able to enjoy their weekends.
Andrea Ami [00:30:54]:
Scott McCarthy [00:30:55]:
Right? Like, that’s that’s huge. And that’s all because, as you said, you know, psychological safety, being able to, being able to challenge challenge the rules, challenge the start, you know, what was being pushed down on you at that time and then your your supervisor going, You’re right. You know what? Let’s push this up. Let’s let’s not take, you know, just roll over and say, okay. We’ll do it. But rather, you know, let’s see what see what happens here, and you got what you wanted in the end. So Mhmm. Kudos to you.
Scott McCarthy [00:31:31]:
Kudos to your team. Mhmm. And and and basically making that whole environment so people can actually speak their minds freely. And for the audience out there, they’re probably think, oh, dude, dude, they’re probably like, oh, this is crap or, you know, people walking in saying this is garbage. Well, what? No. We’re not talking about that. Rather, just like you said, saying, hey, boss. This isn’t right.
Scott McCarthy [00:31:54]:
Here are the reasons for it. This is what you know, this is the way we should be doing it. In a very professional manner Yeah. Doing it in a in a professional manner and then getting your response back, which is what you wanted. So
Andrea Ami [00:32:06]:
talk about It’s opening the opportunity for a conversation. And
Scott McCarthy [00:32:11]:
Yeah. Exactly.
Andrea Ami [00:32:12]:
You know, I want the team to know that they can debate their case. And I can debate mine, and we’ll come to a solution. So it doesn’t mean I will always go with what they’re saying, but I will definitely take it into account, and I will also share the reasonings behind it. So, you know, we’re working together to figure out what’s best for the team.
Scott McCarthy [00:32:39]:
Love it. Absolutely love it. Another question for you, as before we wrap up here. You know, we talked to all kinds of great wins. You’ve had, you know, some challenges along the way. Is there, is there anything where you’d like to share about failure and and what you’ll learn from it through building a brand new team from the ground up.
Andrea Ami [00:33:08]:
Okay. Oh, this is a this is a good question. Okay. Well, I am in the process of learning, I’d say. I wouldn’t say that I have fully learned, yet about failure. However, I’m a lot more comfortable with it. I’m a lot more comfortable with realizing that failure It’s not failure. It’s in a sense, it is.
Andrea Ami [00:33:44]:
However, it’s failure is an opportunity for growth. Failure is just helps guide where I’m going. So it’s just a stepping stone. It’s part of the process. And if I can, you know, add in a little mental health here, what I tell what we tell our clients is Recovery is not linear. So it’s expected that you’re gonna go up a few steps and then come down a bit and then go up a few steps and come down a bit. And that’s totally normal. We’re we expect to come back down.
Andrea Ami [00:34:22]:
So that’s now what I see failure as. It’s just Helping me redirect where I need to go. It’s easier said than done, But, you know, that’s when I when I do think of it that way now, it just feels much lighter. It doesn’t feel like All or nothing, which is another theme that that, I talk about a lot. So failure is your friend.
Scott McCarthy [00:34:57]:
You you bring to my mind the Thomas Edison quote. Right? I have not failed. I just found 10,000 ways that don’t work. I’m not a quote guy, but this one actually fits. Yeah. That’s a good quote. Because you know? And that’s and that’s what you’re basically saying. It’s like, okay.
Scott McCarthy [00:35:15]:
You know? I haven’t failed. It’s found a way that doesn’t work. Alright? Back to the drawing board. Why it doesn’t work? You know? What can I do better next time? You know, what things can I change, what worked within the part yo? Yeah. Despite it not overall not working, but what some parts probably did works. What were they? And how how might we maximize on those? Right? We talk about this in the mastermind. You know, we talk about the AR process and going over that all the time. So
Andrea Ami [00:35:43]:
There’s so many benefits
Scott McCarthy [00:35:45]:
Andrea Ami [00:35:45]:
failing, essentially. So many benefits because that gives the opportunity to build psychological safety if we go back to that. Because when the team sees failure, but that we’re still together and we’re still moving forward and that it’s not seen as somebody not doing their job well, but it’s just seen as an opportunity for growth. That’s what builds confidence in in the team and within themselves.
Scott McCarthy [00:36:14]:
Oh, mic drop moment right there. Amazing. Dropping bombs. Like, who needs authors? I got Andrew Amy here. Yep. Hey, Andrea. It’s been a it’s been a pleasure. Specialize.
Scott McCarthy [00:36:31]:
All good things come to an end, but before we wrap this up, couple last questions for you. Mhmm. Sure you know these. First one being, according to you, what makes a great leader.
Andrea Ami [00:36:48]:
Transparency, authenticity, and With a dash of humbleness.
Scott McCarthy [00:37:03]:
Sounds like a nice recipe there. Yeah. Transparency here. And we’ll just throw on a little sprinkle humbleness on the top. Perfect. No. That’s great. That’s awesome.
Scott McCarthy [00:37:16]:
You know, as we as we talked about, you’re not an author. You’re not a coach. You’re you’re you’re a leader from the ground as I like to say, but if there’s anything you would like to plug, you know, maybe it’s mental awareness. Maybe it’s the podcast you might read, but Yeah.
Andrea Ami [00:37:31]:
Right here. Know. Gonna restart it.
Scott McCarthy [00:37:34]:
It’s over to you right now. What would you like? How about it? Plug something. I don’t care.
Andrea Ami [00:37:38]:
Something. I don’t know. I mean, if I could plug mental health, Get an emotion wheel. That’s a bit of an inside joke with leadership mastermind. But But you know what? I’m sticking with it, actually. Everyone Google emotion wheel, and, that will help you. I promise.
Scott McCarthy [00:38:04]:
You know what? Don’t Google it. Just go to leaddopeboss.comforward/249, and the emotion wheel is in the show notes. That is an inside joke to leader growth mastermind. Something that Andrea has been a fantastic member of from very early days, I would actually add. And it’s funny because what what brought you in was was actually when we started talking with psychological safety there, and I plug. So and that that sparked your interest and even an active member ever since. So and here we are now on the show even. So thank you thank you for your weekly contributions.
Scott McCarthy [00:38:45]:
It does help the entire group for sure. You. And thanks for coming on the show. This has been a blast.
Andrea Ami [00:38:50]:
Yeah. This was real fun.
Scott McCarthy [00:38:53]:
Alright. Alright, Audits. Again, show notes, lead dump boss.comforward/249, and you check the emotion wheel there. Till next time as always, lead the bus. Take care now. And that’s a wrap for this episode, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for listening. Thank you for supporting the peak performance leadership podcast.
Scott McCarthy [00:39:17]:
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Scott McCarthy [00:39:48]:
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