As the old saying goes, “leaders are readers.” And this author is that for one. As leaders we are constantly trying to improve our skills across our three domains of leadership – Leading Yourself, Leading Your Team, and Leading Your Organization. No doubt that as a leader who is continually trying to continually update your skills you are looking for books and other resources to read and learn from. Well here are 5 different leadership books across the three domains for you to buy and read to your heart’s desire.
“The Dichotomy of Leadership” by Jacko Willink and Leif Babin

The dynamic former US Navy SEAL duo released this book back in 2018; however, the principles contained within are as applicable today as they were then and when these men served their country. In this book, you’ll learn a number of leadership principles which are engrained into the US Navy SEALs. Ideas such as when to lead and when to follow; when to act and when to stop and assess; as well as, when to let the team run and when to micromanage it.
This book can help any leader at any stage – especially new leaders. Regardless of the stage you’re at in your leadership journey, learning from those who have literally been at the front lines as leaders is always a good thing. No you won’t learn how to shoot a rifle, rather you will take their lessons, apply them to your unique situation, and then go for results!
“It Worked for Me: In Life and Leadership” by Colin Powell

From the man who stated “the top is a lonely place,” this read is must for any leader. In his last writing before his sad departure, Colin Powell discusses not only leadership lessons, rather life lessons which he lived by. In this book Powell reveals personal stories that introduce and expand on his principles for effective leadership: conviction, hard work, and above all, respect for others.
This book should be on any leaders night table stand. We can learn a lot from the former General and Secretary of State. Learning from Powell’s 13 principles will enable all leaders to lead with the human gesture that counts.
“Unfu*k Yourself” by Gary John Bishop

As leaders there are times when we are our own worst enemies. We are often in our own heads and imposter syndrome is an never ending battle. In his book, Bishop will help you to get past the excuses, the unwarranted opinions of others including yourself and will allow you to “do the work” to become a better version of yourself.
For those leaders who are constantly self-doubting and unsure of themselves, this book could definitely help them moving forward. Additionally, it can help leaders to coach their people by applying the principles through coaching and getting them to get out of their heads and into their life.
“Emotional Intelligence 2.0” by Dr. Travis Bradberry and Dr. Jean Greaves

Emotional Intelligence has been a hot topic for leaders everywhere for quite some time now. Despite it being here now, emotional intelligence is something which leaders are embracing as the next thing. Co-authors Bradberry and Greaves have written this book some time ago yet continually update it with latest ideas in the emotional intelligence space.
For the leaders out there who are having difficulties connecting with their team, this book will help. Additionally, it focuses on the leader’s self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management.
“Change From The Inside Out” by Erika Anderson

The world is ever-changing. We as leaders, need to keep on top of these changes and implement our own changes to ensure that our organizations survive another day. However, as much as a change can be our best-friend it can be our worst enemy when not executed properly. In her book, Andersen outlines a simple – yet powerful – five step process on leading change in your organization.
If you’re a leader who knows that your organization needs to make some changes; however, do not know how to plan and execute these change then this book is for you. Andersen has practical steps and advice in her book along with a side story to demonstrate the principles written in the book.
Continuing to develop our skills as leaders is crucial and reading is a core way to sharpen those skills. If you find yourself in a place where you are looking for more leadership books, then be sure to check out the Resources Page. Regardless if you read these 5 books, or any others I’ve recommended or just be sure to continue to read and develop those skills as a leader.