July Recap and Thoughts | Episode 56

Hey all, A little late I know but nonetheless here’s my July recap and leadership thoughts. During this episode I go over: July’s released episodes August’s planned episodes My thoughts on transitioning out of a leadership role. Timestamped Overview TBC TBC
June Monthly Recap & Leadership Thoughts | Episode 51

It’s the second time I do a monthly recap episode! During this episode, I recap the previous episodes released in June, talk about those upcoming in July, and talk about what’s on my mind in a leadership context. Enjoy! Timestamped Overview TBC TBC
May Monthly Recap and Thoughts | Episode 47

This week we are changing things up! I’m going solo again to discuss the month’s interviews, the upcoming interviews and just a few random thoughts about leadership I have running through my mind. So I hope you enjoy! Timestamped Overview TBC TBC