Combatting Burnout | Episode 263

Combatting Burnout | Episode 263

Burnout has become a pervasive and pressing problem in today’s world. With increasing working hours, heightened expectations, and ever-present digital connectivity, people are finding it harder and harder to maintain a healthy work-life balance. Leaders and teams are no exception, as they experience heightened pressure to perform at their best on a consistent basis. Burnout is no longer just an individual issue, but has spread across industries and even whole societies. High levels of burnout can result in lost productivity, declining mental and physical health, and turnover in organizations. It is essential that we create a culture that supports work-life balance and employee well-being to mitigate this problem and enhance the performance of leaders and teams alike.

Eliminate Leader Loneliness | Nick Jonsson | Episode 227

Eliminate Leader Loneliness | Nick Jonsson

In episode 227 of the Peak Performance Leadership podcast, host Scott McCarthy dives deep into a thought-provoking and emotionally charged conversation with Nick Jonsson, the creator and co-founder of Executives Global Network Singapore. This episode sheds light on the destructive and isolating impact of executive loneliness and explores ways to conquer it. As leaders, we […]