Success Quest Podcast

I had the honour of being interviewed on the SuccessQuest podcast. From their show notes we discuss the following topics: In this episode we dive DEEP into how to improve our leadership skills! Scott has been in the military from the moment he was graduating high school. Having served 18 years in the military he […]
HTML All The Things

I had the honoured of being interviewed on HTML All The Things. Whilst a show geared towards IT business owners, the hosts truly understood the importance of leadership as business owners. Topics During this interview I was asked questions on the following subjects: The basics of leadership The different leadership types and which one would […]
Badass Agile Podcast I had the joy of being interviewed on Chris Williams’ Badass Agile podcast recently! Here is what he had to say on his landing page: This week, I interview Scott McCarthy of Moving Forward Leadership. Scott is a leader in the Canadian Armed Forces, and also runs his own leadership consultancy and podcast. In […]

I had the honour of appearing on Dr. Jason Brooks’ podcast LeaderTHRIVE.