There’s a lot of hype, hand waving, and ink being spilled about artificial intelligence in business—and enterprises are taking the bait. According to a 2019 report by Gartner, AI implementation has grown by an astounding 270 percent in the past four years and has tripled in the last year alone. By 2021, IDC researchers predict that organizations will spend $52.2 billion annually on AI-related products. We’ve spent decades feeding AI vast amounts of data and propping it up with energy-hungry data centers. But despite its speed and smarts, AI lacks one critical element: common sense. AI simply can’t replicate the decision-making abilities of its flesh-and-blood counterparts. AI isn’t ready for prime time. But the Humachine is.

Meet John

John Wood is a graduate of NYU School of Law and TCU where he earned his bachelors degrees summa cum laude in English and Philosophy. He is a member of the New York and Texas State Bar Associations and has provided Continuing Professional Education programs on insurance, copyleft, and artificial intelligence and the law. He represents real and intellectual property owners in insurance matters through his law firm, and consults on technology policy through The Humachine LLC. He is co-author of The Humachine: Humankind, Machines,and the Future of Enterprise.

Timestamped Overview

During this interview John and I discuss the following topics:

  • Why understanding AI development is important to leaders
  • How can leaders leverage the risk associated with AI
  • How to transition workers from one job to another type
  • How to break the traditional business paradigm through AI
  • Negative aspects of AI being incorporated into organizations
  • Legal aspects leaders need to be aware of regarding AI

Guest Resources

If you are interested in John and his resources then be sure to check the following links:

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